.EU standard maintenance window on 29 May 2024
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Ascio
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted May 29, 2024 - 07:00 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted May 29, 2024 - 04:00 UTC
We would like to remind you of a code-breaking production release, which is scheduled for 29 May 2024, with a downtime during the standard maintenance window from 06:00-09:00 CEST.

To gear up for the release, we recently hosted a webinar titled "Validation of .eu Registration Data – Procedure and the Registrar's Role". In case you missed it, you can catch up by accessing the recording and presentation on our dedicated webinar page (https://registry.eu/content/know-how/documentation/#tab_tab_webinars) . Additionally, to ensure everyone is well-informed, we've put together a comprehensive page (https://registry.eu/content/know-how/domain-features/quality-plan/) outlining the validation process before and after the release. We also encourage you to take a moment to review the release notes and addendum to release notes on registry.eu (https://registry.eu/content/know-how/documentation/#tab_tab_release-notes) .

As part of the WHOIS Quality project initiated in 2021, we introduced a KYC toolset that allows registrants to validate their registration data via the My.eurid.eu platform. With the upcoming release, we have automated some steps of the internal validation process, streamlined external communication with end-users, and introduced additional notifications to registrars.

The code-breaking changes are listed below for your reference:

* Removal of EPP schema domain-ext-2.3.xsd and domain-ext-2.4.xsd (these schemas will not be supported after the production release on 29 May 2024);
* Addition of a new EPP schema domain-ext-2.6.xsd;

Our staging platform, available since 28 February 2024, allows you to test these changes. Learn more about the staging platform and how to activate your account via the dedicated page (https://registry.eu/content/know-how/infrastructure-and-services/production-tryout-staging/#tab_tab_staging) . The new EPP Schemas are available to download (https://registry.eu/content/know-how/documentation/) on the documentation page.

The tryout platform will be updated the day after the release, on 30 May 2024, with a downtime from 12:00 to 17:00 CEST.
Posted May 08, 2024 - 07:20 UTC